The fish, it never cackles 'bout it's million eggs or so,The hen is quite a different bird, one egg-and hear her crow.The fish we spurn, but crown the hen, which leads me to surmise:Don't hide your light, but blow your horn. it pays to advertise@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Why should I advertise?
Can you do business without advertising?
It looks familiar, often asked questions ,considering the fact that advertising money is spend on a virtually immeasurable platform.
See this story....
"A man lived by the side of the road and sold roasted chicken.
He was hard of hearing so he had no radio. He had trouble with his eyes so he watched no television and read no newspaper, but he sold good roasted chicken. He did however, advertise in the local newspaper telling people how good they were. He stood by the side of the road and cried, 'Buy roasted chocken sirrrrr 'and people bought. He increased his orders and bought a bigger stove to take care of his trade.
Then his son came home with am MBA from a city college to help him in trade and then something happened.
His son said, "Father, haven't you been listening to what people are saying? If money stays tight, we are bound to have bad business. There is a big recession coming on, you had better prepare for poor trade, if we stay on only with this business".
The old man thought..... "Well, my son has been to college. He listens to the radio, watches television and reads the newspaper and he ought to know".
So, he cut down on chicken orders given to the supplier. He cut out his advertising and took the money thus saved to venture into new areas like dealing with a local wine his sons friends made, and his sales fell almost over night. After a week it was completely gone and the old man couldnt win anything back..
"You're right son", the father said to the boy. "We are certainly headed for a recession".
Every one in business realise the necessity of advertising, which is the main reason we are carpet bombed with so many messages(The MAD [Message A Day] index in many Indian cities equals that of the west)....... The various ways a business can advertise its products is limitless, and today we no longer call it advertising but Integrated Marketing Communications. In booming business most of them do booming advertising too and when slump appears advertising is the first victim. shouldnt it be be the other way round?.
Shouldnt business spend most of its advertising budget when business is slow and cut back or retain only that level to be heard, when business is good?.
Again it depends on the type of relation the Ad agency and their corporate client enjoys..
it depends on how far the client trusts the agency during the fall..
it depends on how far the agency was also the reason for the fall
it depends on how far they could convince the client about why certain level of advertising should be maintained..
Boom or slump, it pays to advertise...Pulsar didnt look male and masculine until they started saying so.. they said and said and the otherwise front fat, ugly looks encompassed masculinity , suddenly.
Even B2B brands like Intel have made it big by careful branding and ,as part of it careful advertising... most of us havent seen an integrated chip which goes in a PC and yet the world believes that without an 'Intel Inside' mark on their PC ,it aint complete....
It is not only necessary that we do, it also is necessary that we tell it that we have done it...
"The man who fails to advertise just because conditions are a little uncertain is on par with the farmer who refuses to feed his cows because the price of butter has gone down."