Tuesday, January 10, 2006

senile you ,not me...

Advertising is the science of arresting human intelligence long enough to get money from it

The latest Maruti exchange offer ads are the point of discussion today.I would classify it as a good idea, lacking somewhere in execution. It definitely would have beenbetter, but for the haste. Well that is not the point of discussion today. The ad done by capital advertising(? ) augurs well with the concept" when i bought it was good ,even now it is, but... you know ..so i need an exchange".But my worry is way they have road blocked different media slots, to make sure that the TG has no way to escape fom the ad. I would like to call it 'carpet bombing' , the way it appears repeatedly in a channel slot after slot, and when you change the channel in utter frustration, the same thing happening in the new ,changed channel.It is , to put it simply, making fun of the target audience, and media planners in their attempt to build the OTS( oppurtunities to see) make the brand look funny, like a joker, a mere pantaloon.

It is disgusting to see how media planners and media strategists sitting in their ivory towers impose such mindless repetition on poor TG and making sure that OTS is happening.Most of the so called planners(i bet 95 % of them dont even see TV..irony, but true)This process is a typical case of selective amnesia where the fact that repetition builds OTS( or frequency) but may not build brand preference, and worse in some cases may also result in brand non- preferenceis comfortably forgotten.....

Repetition irritates, and particularly so when the ad idea and the execution is a question mark on the common sense of the TG. I remember a salt brand named Dandi, which went on similiar carpet bombing, in a worse form of pseudo scientific copy, where it told us, poor Indians ,that we should have Dandi salt to make sure that we are not idiots and impotents.I remember an ex colleague of mine from the ad industry quipping" With or without this salt we never had such a problem . did we?"

Maruti had done better advertising before.The two kids walking into a show room with their toy cars,seeing the display"old cars exchanged here"and shocking the shop manager...wasnt it good?...It was for Maruti true value, and it did work...

May be there are many who do the same crime with the TG and the Client, i noticed this and i wanted to react.

Just remember, mindless repetition is a symptom of senility...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi sabu

pranav here. it is amazing to know how you change from topic to topic and with ease. i was about to beleive that you can only be humorous and that too about CAR but you changed it with one blog.my advise or rather hope still stands-try writing seriously.
and reply for my last mail you lazy goose
love pranav

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