Friday, February 09, 2007

Dewmint and the Dracula...!!!

A new brand from Kerala, ambitious as it seems to be entering a market dominated by giants having the cake leaving only the crumbs to the rest .... their first ad impressed me for the fun in it and the twist which ads should carry at the end, but the price factor ( which is kept much lower to the competetors as reported by the media) isnt told any where......The message cuts across and so does the brand name ( see the video ad here and the print ones are to follow.....

Three cheers and best wishes from the adformula team to Tity Thomas - Fullmoon Advertising for the conceptualisation, Nut Cracker Films, Bombay-- the production house and Arun. J the director...and of course the client .......

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1 comment:

adforcause said...

Bad breath definetely a good differentiator but as a product every one is delivering it.

if the product is extra ordinarily good, it will win consumers.

Good show.

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